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This is a part of the technology seeds we introduce. If you are interested in the utilization and details of the technology seeds, please feel free to contact us.We will check your request and coordinate with seeds offering partner. ​

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Positioning system and positioning method


Positioning system and positioning method

Position information plays an important role in preventing pedestrian accidents by pedestrian-to-vehicle communication. But the computation of pedestrian position, based on GPS, may fail in urban canyons due to the obstruction of roadside building. This problem can be solved by using vehicles and roadside units as anchors for pedestrian positioning, where trilateration is used to compute pedestrian position based on distances to anchors. But the performance is degraded by multipath propagation and limited by the time resolution.
To address this problem, in this work, we investigate how phase information of OFDM signals in V2X communications varies with the propagation distance, and exploit the phase difference of arrival to estimate the distance difference. We study how to deal with the inter-symbol interference in OFDM symbols and combine multiple estimations of distance difference to improve the accuracy

Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Systems

Medical Engineering Collaboration / Life SciencesNano technology

Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Systems

Brain cancer is most fatal among various types of cancer. Here, solid-lipid nanoparticles, which are formed by tiny pores, are successfully synthesised. Anti-cancer drugs are encapsulated in each pore and the surface of the particles are modified with transferrin and RGD tripeptide. The particles are monodisperse in water and biocompatible/biodegradable.
It has been proved by in vivo experiments that the drug encapsulated nanoparticles modified with transferrin and RGD penetrate the blood-brain barrier and reach brain tumours, as a result of which the target tumours are completely cured without showing any side effects. The optimal ratio of RGD to transferrin is obtained.
The present methodology can be applied to the treatment of different types of cancer by changing the surface modification and drugs.
Magnetic nanoparticles and quantum dots can be encapsulated in the present particles so that the particles can also be used for nano bio-imaging. The particles can be precisely manipulated by applying gradient dc magnetic fields, whereas they can be heated by applying high-frequency ac magnetic fields so that the drug release speed can be controlled and they can also be used for hyperthermia therapy.

Study of Highly Active Tyrosinase Inhibitor Isolated from Matsuouji and Mushroom Extract Library

Medical Engineering Collaboration / Life Sciences

Study of Highly Active Tyrosinase Inhibitor Isolated from Matsuouji and Mushroom Extract Library

It has long been known that mushrooms contain unique physiologically active substances. However, in practice, it is not easy to identify useful bioactive substances.
At Tottori University, we are constructing a mushroom extract library centered on rotting fungi. In the process, our laboratory succeeded in isolating an unprecedented level of highly active tyrosinase inhibitor from Matsuouji (Scientific Name: Neolentinus lepideus), and we also determined the structure of this mushroom.
We welcome consultations from cosmetics companies that are interested in this compound, as well as companies that are interested in exploring, developing, and commercializing new physiologically active substances using the Tottori University's Mushroom Extract Library.

Robotic Dental Treatment System

Medical Engineering Collaboration / Life Sciences

Robotic Dental Treatment System

In recent years, CAD/CAM technology has been changing dentistry and computerization is progressing rapidly, mainly in the field of dental laboratory work. However, preparation (cutting or grinding) of tooth is still performed manually using dental handpieces. This technology aims to realize "Software-Defined Dentistry" by developing a robotic dental treatment system that is used under a dentist’s control and computerizes the tooth preparation.The benefits of the robotic dental treatment system include improved precision and reduced unevenness of finish in the tooth preparation. This is expected to enhance fitting accuracy of dental restorations, thereby reducing issues such as detachment, breakage, and secondary caries.Integrating the robotic dental treatment system with existing dental CAD/CAM systems will digitize all processes from the tooth preparation to fabrication of the restorations, maximizing the benefits of CAD/CAM. Additionally, significant derivative effects are anticipated, such as optimization of machining conditions, compatibility with AI, and applications in dental education systems.

Battery-free thin-film virus sensor

Medical Engineering Collaboration / Life Sciences

Battery-free thin-film virus sensor

In our group, we focused on the molecular mechanism by which the ligands on the virus surface recognize the differences in receptors present on the cell membrane surfaces of humans and other animals. Incorporating this "biomimetic approach," we developed a new conductive polymer (PEDOT derivative) that detects with high sensitivity and selectivity. This technology allows for the easy creation of devices through methods like inkjet printing, and since it detects changes in electrical properties in a label-free manner, it can provide on-the-spot virus detection with a compact and portable electric virus detection method at a low cost.
Furthermore, by adding components of the biological membrane lipids to reduce non-specific adsorption, the sensitivity for the human influenza virus improved by 100 times compared to traditional immunological methods. Additionally, this method enabled us to distinguish between different types of viruses. As the technology can adapt to detect different viruses by changing the type of receptor, we are currently aiming not only to enhance the universality of targeted virus detection but also to detect viruses floating in the air in aerosol form through thin film devices. Beyond just point-of-care on-site detection, we are working towards the realization of wearable and implantable biosensing technology known as "smart stickers."

Encrypted control technology


Encrypted control technology

Encrypted control is a next-generation control technology that provides secure implementation of control algorithms, such as PID controls, to be processed in ciphertext.
The secure implementation of the encrypted control is realized by integrating confidential computation (public-key homomorphic encryption schemes) into the computation of control algorithms. As a result, control parameters and communications including sensor measurement and control signals can be kept secret in operating the control system. One of the features of the encrypted control technology is that the control parameters are encrypted, which means the original (unencrypted) control parameters do not need to install to a control unit.
Another feature is that the encrypted control system does not need to keep the private key inside a controller unit, so key management costs and the risk of key leakage can be reduced. Moreover, we can use a secure protocol together with the encrypted control technology.
Furthermore, we developed "a dynamic-key (key-updatable) encryption scheme" which is a new encryption scheme suitable for encrypted control. The developed makes it possible to update the public and private keys in milliseconds (in place of the key generation process) without running a key-generation algorithm. Therefore, we can construct a more secure control system against cyberattacks such as a replay attack.