Privacy Policy

1.Collection of Personal Information

We will collect personal information only to the extent necessary to achieve our business purposes and will use legal and fair means to collect such information.


2.Use of Personal Information

The use or provision of personal information collected by the Company shall be limited to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose for which the information was collected.
However, we may use or provide personal information for purposes other than those for which it was collected when required by law, when we have the consent of the subject of the information, when we use the information internally, or when we have a legitimate reason for using or providing the information.


3.How we manage personal information

In order to prevent unauthorized access, loss, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information managed by the Company, and to properly manage other personal information, the Company will take necessary measures such as maintaining a security system, developing an internal management system, and thoroughly training employees to prevent risks.


4.Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information

When we receive a request from a subject of information for disclosure of his/her personal information, we will, in principle, disclose such information without delay.
When we receive a request from the subject of information to correct his/her personal information, we will investigate without delay, and if we find that there are errors in the personal information or other reasons that require correction, we will make the correction without delay.


5.Review and Improvement of this Policy

The Company shall comply with Japanese laws and other regulations related to the protection of the personal information of information subjects, and shall continuously review and improve the contents of this Policy.


6.Contact for Inquiries

If you have any questions regarding personal information, please contact us from the “Contact” page.