

CAMPUS CREATE Co., Ltd. established a website promoting Global Open Innovations

We CAMPUS CREATE Co., Ltd. (based in Chofu City, Tokyo) has established a global website to promote global open innovations for overseas companies, Japanese universities and Japanese companies.

As a TLO (Technology Licensing Organization)covering broad areas in Japan, we support overseas companies who have needs to utilize Japanese technologies.

Our company has been authorized as a TLO (Technology Licensing Organization)by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as well as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Our company provides coordination for cooperative researches with research institutions such as universities, etc. to respond to companies’ needs as well as technology transfer operations so that companies can utilize the results of research by universities.


In this global website, we provide various menus to support overseas companies 「who are interested in studying international alliance with Japanese universities and/or Japanese companies」in order to work on global innovations which meet the overseas companies’ needs.


In the technical field, we can support in various categories such as

  • automatic drive / car electronics
  • 5G / information communication
  • AI / IoT
  • environment / water treatment system
  • robot / mechatronics
  • optics / laser
  • health care / medical and industry corroborations / life science
  • quantum computing / annealing machin
  • materials / materials informatics (MI)
  • hydrogen / ammonia / energy
  • infinitesimal elaboration / micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS)
  • semiconductor

◆International Cooperative Research and Development

We support coordination for cooperative research with Japanese universities, etc. We will consistently work on planning research theme, proposing candidates of allied partners, managing progress of project.


◆Investigations and Applications of Advanced Technologies

We collect technical information regarding seeds which Japanese universities, etc. researched and developed, also we investigate advanced technology movement / market trend and so on. In addition, we support corroborations to investigate and utilize patents, etc. for which international applications have been submitted.


◆Utilization of Technical Human Resource

We propose and support to utilize human resource through hiring Japanese excellent technical human resources and coordinating technical guidance. For example, we can find a human resource who has knowledge about strategy for standardizing technologies, quality control in the factory, planning research and development.


◆Business Alliances

We can accept and realize consultations for alliances (development cooperation, sales channel development, M&A, etc.) with Japanese companies, startups and so on. We always work together with clients to establish relationships for cooperative creation smoothly with mutual trust even under the different cultures and sense of values.


◆Base Establishment in Japan

We support your endeavors such as establishing a base for research and development, founding a corporation, realizing systematic and strategic alliances with universities, research institutions, major companies, startups, Japan and enhancing technology development.

Also, we publish seeds of technologies which are the results of research and development organizations including universities, etc. in Japan and can be introduced for overseas companies.

After the declaration of a state of emergency for new coronavirus was over, we believe it’s very important to make a trend to develop the entire industries worldwide including Japan. We will reinforce our endeavor for global open innovations based on this website.

Corporate Overview

CAMPUS CREATE Co., Ltd. has been authorized and approved as a TLO of The University of Electro-Communications, a national university corporation, by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as well as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology under our slogan 「TLO practices solving customers’ issues or challenges by open innovations in broad areas」. We coordinate corroborations between various universities and companies, and arrange industry-university cooperation. We support exhibitions for Innovation Japan, new technology explanatory meetings, etc. hosted by Science and Technology Agency (JST), New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and so on. As an independent outside TLO, we are going forward on the initiatives including research support not to discontinue industry-university cooperation / open innovations even under the urgent countermeasures for new coronavirus, such as remote-lecture by university teachers, manage of laboratory, organization-to-organization, University Research Administrator (URA) / intellectual property department, reformation of universities, Dejima (international exchange peninsula) and the various influences occurring for ventures, startups, VC (venture capital) fund, social impact on financial institutions like local banks, employment activities by students, internships, teaching class, part-time jobs.

  • Corporation Name: CAMPUS CREATE Co., Ltd.

  • Representative Person: representative director Kohei Yasuda

  • Headquarter Address: in The University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu City, Tokyo.

  • Foundation: September in 1999

  • Business Contents: Technology Transfer Management Business, Solution Business, etc.

※1) Acquisition of Omotenashi (Hospitality) Standard Certification

CAMPUS CREATE Co., Ltd. acquired the gold certification of the Omotenashi Standard Certification implemented by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The Omotenashi Standard Certification is an institution aiming to vitalize service industry in Japan and a standard authentication system to「visualize」quality of services for realizing suitable assessment for high-quality services.


Concept of Logomark

We designed the logomark focusing on”(Co)means Together” in the main title “Co-Creation” by global open innovations.

The technologies and industries are facing and integrated together for  “Co-Creation” which means the beginning of new innovations, new expanses, and new creations. The logomark is intent upon a design which can penetrate faithful, reliable, easy, advanced, clean and global impressions.