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Medical Engineering Collaboration / Life Sciences

AkaSuke™: A Highly bright luminescence substrate for in vivo bioluminescence imaging (BLI)


Organization Name

Shojiro Maki, University of Electro Communications – Nobuo Kitada, University of Electro Communications – Ryohei Moriya, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences – Hiroshi Aoyama, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences – Ryosuke Ijuin, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences



  • Compared to D-luciferin, Akasuke enables high-sensitivity imaging with a small dosage and emits near-infrared wavelengths(680nm)that are highly permeable to biological tissues.
  • Reacts with Fluc, a natural enzyme, to achieve high luminosity.
  • High water solubility in buffer solution.


  • High brightness by using natural enzyme “Fluc”. (No specialized enzymes required)
  • Capable of emitting light at 680nm that enables measurement at deep bio tissues.
  • Capable of analyzing areas with high blood flow, such as the brain and lungs

Market Application

  • Visualization of micro-cancer metastasis
  • Observation of infectious disease kinetics]