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Virtual fashion show where you can buy clothes


Organization Name

Vignette & Clarity, Inc.



Virtual fashion, fabric texture, custom-made order


Virtual representations focusing on fabrics as the main feature are currently very limited.
This is because existing virtual space services have limitations on upload data amount, making it difficult to represent detailed textures of clothing.

Our method uses pre-rendered high-quality video, but still can show various size combinations of avatars and clothing.

This semi-interactive method allows us to provide customers with the information they need to make a purchasing decision.

Market Application

As mentioned, the system supports made-to-order sales of fashion using 3D representations.

The cost of preparation, including texture scanning, is much lower than existing systems, making it possible for even small and medium-sized companies or apparel stores to work together. In recent years, the fashion industry has been rapidly digitizing to solve the problems of mass production, mass consumption, and mass disposal.

Our technology will enable complete order-based sales, which would not only solve these problems but help to adapt to the fragmentation and rapid shifts in fashion trends.